
The Mo Show earns high praise for its initiative to show the real Saudi Arabia

The Mo Show earns high praise for its initiative to show the real Saudi Arabia

After his success in installing his introductory media platform on social networks, the founder and presenter of “Mo Show” Muhammad Islam have been praised for his lovely interviewing style, which highlights in an innovative way to discuss topics related to the progression of the country, women empowerment, personal stories, business start-ups and tech.

The Mo Show Podcast, Saudi Arabia’s first English podcast hosts leading Saudi male and female personalities across industries, entrepreneurs, journalists and expats who lives in or visited Saudi Arabia to talk about their personal journeys, inspirations, and of course, Saudi Arabia.

The podcast adopts an interpretation mechanism for all episodes to ensure that the information reaches the widest range of audience, and is also advertised on social media on a weekly basis.

To highlight its success, Sara Al-Dandrawi, Al Arabiya presenter of “Your Interaction,” program recently has shed light on the idea of ​​the show and its initiative which aims to show Saudis and the outside world what the real Saudi Arabia is like.

Currently chairman of Al-Bilad Media and Publishing company, Saudi veteran journalist & former Editor-In-Chief of Arab News and Saudi Gazette, Khalid Al Maeena, the latest guest of the Mo Show praised the idea of ​​the show, its goals and the importance of its initiatives that aims to show the positive aspects of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

“The “Mo Show” presented by the brilliant podcaster Mohammed Islam, is very informative, interesting, and an entertaining show for English speakers,” Al Maeena commented.

The show also succeeded in hosting the influential American in the tourism sector, Paris Verra, who came to the Kingdom on a tourist visit and expressed her happiness with this visit and the social, economic and tourism development that she saw, the interview was met with great interaction on social networking sites for her boldness with her great positive talk about the Kingdom.

Muhammad Islam who wanted to have a say on the misconceptions about his own country stressed his endeavor to transform the platform as a global media platform in order to deliver the Saudis message to the world in a civilized and upscale way.

He said: “The new digital media will play an important role in the future of countries and their trends, and we must be prepared for this future by presenting constructive ideas that help reach the world at an accelerated pace and to follow up all positive aspects of what is happening in the Kingdom. “