Tag: TV

UAE Based TV Debuts New Season of Popular ‘Fujian Time’

UAE Based TV Debuts New Season of Popular ‘Fujian Time’

China Arab TV’s latest episodes of the renowned “Seeing China” program will be on air on 1st November to show a vigorous Arabian hostess’ very own exp [...]
LG OLED Recognized for Decade of TV Innovation at 2021 EISA Awards

LG OLED Recognized for Decade of TV Innovation at 2021 EISA Awards

LG Electronics (LG) has added to its impressive record of success at the EISA Awards, with five of its home entertainment innovations earning accolade [...]
Get together for Iftar with your family even from afar thanks to the next generation TV from Huawei: HUAWEI Vision S

Get together for Iftar with your family even from afar thanks to the next generation TV from Huawei: HUAWEI Vision S

Ramadan is the gift of coming together with our families and loved ones to share moments, happiness and of course, food! However, because of the unpre [...]
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