Tag: chargers

Osprey more than doubled its number of rapid EV chargers this year, and now has over 1,000 installed across the UK

Osprey more than doubled its number of rapid EV chargers this year, and now has over 1,000 installed across the UK

Osprey Charging, the UK’s leading and fastest-growing EV rapid-charging network, has now successfully installed over 1,000 high-power EV charging poin [...]
Osprey ramps up its EV charging network roll-out, installing as many rapid chargers in Q1 2023 as it did in the whole year of 2022

Osprey ramps up its EV charging network roll-out, installing as many rapid chargers in Q1 2023 as it did in the whole year of 2022

Osprey Charging, one of the UK’s leading networks of rapid electric vehicle (EV) charging points, has shown how quickly the deployment of public charg [...]
Osprey to celebrate Disability History Month by transforming its chargers into spaces for artwork supporting the disabled community

Osprey to celebrate Disability History Month by transforming its chargers into spaces for artwork supporting the disabled community

To celebrate UK Disability History Month (16th November - 16th December) and International Day of People with Disabilities (3rdDecember), Osprey Charg [...]
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