Tag: attacks

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Attacks on Web Applications Spike, Telecommunications and Education are the Most Targeted Verticals in the Third Quarter of 2023

Attacks on Web Applications Spike, Telecommunications and Education are the Most Targeted Verticals in the Third Quarter of 2023

Ahead of Black Hat MEA in Riyadh, 14-16 November 2023, Cisco is sharing insights into key cybersecurity trends that emerged throughout Q3 2023 (July - [...]
DDoS attacks in Q3 grow by 24%, become more sophisticated

DDoS attacks in Q3 grow by 24%, become more sophisticated

When compared to Q3 2020, the total number of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks increased by nearly 24%, while the total number of smart at [...]
Afghanistan became the primary target for ransomware attacks in the past month

Afghanistan became the primary target for ransomware attacks in the past month

The recent Taliban takeover of the government in Afghanistan has brought a lot of chaos upon the nation. Cybercriminals are seeing that such disorder [...]
Lockdown gaming baddies: 5.8 million attacks detected over the past year

Lockdown gaming baddies: 5.8 million attacks detected over the past year

Over 5.8 million attacks by malware and unwanted software disguised as popular PC games were detected and prevented by Kaspersky solutions in Q3 2020 [...]
Malware attacks in Middle East are increasing, reaching 161 million in only 6 months

Malware attacks in Middle East are increasing, reaching 161 million in only 6 months

Kaspersky research highlights that malware is widespread across the Middle East, accounting for 161 million of attacks and growing by 17% when compare [...]
Kaspersky experts predict growing number of attacks on corporate networks using PrintNightmare vulnerability

Kaspersky experts predict growing number of attacks on corporate networks using PrintNightmare vulnerability

Last week, researchers accidentally published a proof of concept (PoC) exploit for a critical Windows Print Spooler vulnerability, also known as Print [...]
Summer plateau: less DDoS attacks and small geographic shifts in Q2 2021

Summer plateau: less DDoS attacks and small geographic shifts in Q2 2021

In the second quarter of 2021, the total number of DDoS attacks decreased by 38.8% compared to Q2 2020, and by 6.5% in comparison to the previous quar [...]
1.1 million Web attacks exploited the gaming theme worldwide in April 2021

1.1 million Web attacks exploited the gaming theme worldwide in April 2021

In 2020, as countries around the world were forced into lockdown, the number of online gamers skyrocketed. In fact, by the end of March 2020, the numb [...]
Zero-days in Microsoft Windows and Chrome used in a series of highly targeted attacks

Zero-days in Microsoft Windows and Chrome used in a series of highly targeted attacks

In April, Kaspersky experts discovered a number of highly targeted attacks against multiple companies utilizing a previously undiscovered chain of Goo [...]
30%of users in Saudi Arabia are under threat from malware hiding within their devices

30%of users in Saudi Arabia are under threat from malware hiding within their devices

There is a common misconception that the most dangerous threats on the modern users’ digital journeys are encountered during Internet surfing. The rea [...]
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