


With the summer months coming up and temperatures set to increase, it might be best to stay indoors. However, this means you also need to keep your home cool, which is where a good air conditioning solution comes into play offering relief. One of ‘coolest’ pieces of technology you can have at home, your air conditioner is crucial to living through the heatwave of the upcoming summer.

Keeping that in mind, LG has five tips for you that can help you choose the right air conditioning unit, but let’s be honest, the easy solution is to just get one of the new LG Air Conditioning solutions. Here are five things you need to consider ensuring you get the perfect air conditioner for your home.

  1. Keep in mind energy consumption.

The summer months are going to see your air conditioners going into overdrive, which could spell disasters for your power bills. This is why its important to choose an air conditioner that has a green energy label that highlights optimal energy efficiency. LG’s lineup of air conditioners is one of the only brands in the world that are not only compliant with the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO)’s Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER), but also feature a green grade. These labels, found on the air conditioners will inform you about the energy spend of each device, are now mandated in the market and can be a key indicator in understanding energy efficiency.

  1. Don’t forget the size of your room.

    The size of the room plays a large role in deciding the air conditioner that will keep it cool. The type and size of the room can impact the overall cooling capacity, and understanding this is a strong step towards determining the right air conditioner. To understand the size, multiply the length, width, and height with 300 if you have multiple windows and a hot climate or length, width, and height with 250 for moderate climates. Take the total and divide it by 12,000 to determine the right size of air conditioner in tons.
  2. The location of your room matters!

    The exact location of your room and its exposure to sunlight has a strong impact on the cooling capacity of the air conditioner you choose. For instance, if your room gets a lot more sunlight, you will need an air conditioner with higher capacity to keep the room always cool.
  3. The inverter is important too!

    A bit of a technical point, but one that will definitely come in handy. Look in the inverter of your air conditioner of choice and ensure you pick on with an inverter compressor. LG’s lineup of air conditioners come with this feature, which ensures better energy efficiency, precise cooling and quieter operations overall. Even better, LG’s lineup comes with Dual Inverter technology, which saves up to 53% of energy and ensures 60% faster cooling than traditional models.
  4. Indoor and outdoor units – take the distance in between into consideration!

    While the installation process, its best to keep in mind the actual distance between the indoor and outdoor units, as these can play a key role in the overall functioning of the unit. Take for example LG’s lineup of air conditioners, which can work with up to 30 meters in length and 25 meters in height, making them an ideal choice even across larger spaces.

These tips should point you in the right direction for your next air conditioner purchase. Following these tips will not only give you a solution that keeps your room cool, but it will also help optimize overall usage and shed a little weight from your power bills. LG has a wide range of air conditioners, all of which are certified for efficiency and performance, making them the right choice, regardless of how big or hot your room can be.