
Board of Trustees of “MBR Creative Sports Award” praises Arabian Sports Achievements in 2022

Board of Trustees of “MBR Creative Sports Award” praises Arabian Sports Achievements in 2022

The Board of Trustees of “Mohammed Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum Creative Sports Award”, one of “Mohammed Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum Global Initiatives”, has praised the Arabian sports achievements, attained during 2022, top of which is the remarkable organization of the FIFA World Cup Finals in Qatar besides the distinguished results of the Arab National Teams in this Championship, the most eminent of which is the qualifying of the Moroccan National Team to the semi-final stage, as the first Arabian & African Team to qualify to such advanced stage in the Championship’s history.

H.E. Mattar Al-Tayer, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, confirmed that “MBR Creative Sports Award” follows and appreciates the Arabian achievements in all fields & levels, referring that all creative persons & entities are eligible for nomination to win the various categories of the 12th edition of the Award, stating that the Arabian outcome in the World Cup 2022 was excellent regarding the level of the organization, Arab teams’ performance, massive presence of fans & public and media coverage, with particular focus to the distinctive performance & historical results of the Moroccan National Team. We are also looking forward to further Arabian individual, team & corporate creativities in all fields during the upcoming period.

This came during the second meeting of the Board of Trustees, convened at Dubai Sports Council’s premises, chaired by H.E. Mattar Al-Tayer, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, in the presence of Mr. Khalid Ali Bin Zayed, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and the other Board’s members; these are: Dr. Hassan Mustafa, Mustafa Parav, Aisha Grad Ali, Ahmed Musaed Al-Osaimi, Mona Bousmara, Dr. Khalifa Al-Shaali, Moza Al-Marri the Secretary General of the Award and Naser Aman Al-Rahma the Award’s Manager.

H.E. the Chairman of the Board of Trustees affirmed that 2022 was distinguished for Arabian sports, especially in football field. “MBR Creative Sports Award” praises & supports creative sports persons & entities, honors them toward their great achievements and encourage them to attain further success & creativity, based on skills & scientific planning.

The Board of Trustees reviewed the progress of nomination for the 12th edition of the Award, which was commenced since last April and will continue up to 31st Aug. 2023, stating that achievements which are eligible to compete in the various categories of the Award, should be attained in the period between 16th Sept. 2021 & up to 31st Aug. 2023, taking into account that the awarding ceremony will be held in Jan. 2024. The door will remain open for public to vote for naming the winners from the six juniors’ category who are nominated for the final stage, whereby the public votes will have 50% of the final result, and the referees’ decision will also have 50% of the final result.

The meeting confirmed the MBR Creative Sports Award’s contribution to raise the sports competition into higher levels through encouraging creative parties who attain excellence in administrative, technical & sports field in individual, team & corporate levels whether in UAE, Arab World or the international corporations. The last 11 editions of the Award have honored 258 winners in various sports & different levels; among them are 124 winners from UAE, 116 winners from the Arab World and 18 awardees from the world sports federations & corporations, who are all classified as follows: 188 awardees in the individual level, 21 awardees in the team level and 49 awardees in the corporate level.

Executive Plan:

The meeting reviewed the points achieved out of the executive plan of the 12th edition of the Award, and reports of the working committees, which have convened meetings during the last period and decided respective plans & commenced the execution process. MBR Creative Sports Award’s  working committees comprise: the Technical Committee, headed by Dr. Khalifa Al-Shaali, the Board Member of the Board of Trustees, & joined by Abdussamad Hussain Deputy Head of the Committee besides other four members; these are: Dr. Mohammed Al-Ansari, Ms. Sheikha Al-Jarman, Dr. Saad Shalabi & Dr. Naji Ismail the Head of the Award’s Technical Sec. as Coordinator / Referees’ Committee, headed by Mr. Mustafa Parav, the Board Member of the Board of Trustees, and joined by Mr. Ahmed Musaad Al-Ousaimi besides other four members; these are: Tariq Al-Janahi, Maryam Bin Lahej, Abeer Al-Khaja & Dr. Naji Ismail, as Coordinator / Communication & Marketing Committee, headed by Ms. Moza Al-Marri, the Secretary General of the Award, and contains Sarah Al-Madhrab, as Deputy Head of the Committee besides other three members; these are: Adel Al-Awadi, Sami Abdul Emam & Husam Abu Al-Fotouh as a Coordinator.

2597 Nominees during the Last 11Versions:

It is worth-mentioning that “MBR Creative Sports Award” has received during the last 11 editions 2597 nomination files, among them are 748 files from UAE, 1621 files from the Arab countries and 228 files from the other world countries, while the numbers of nominees for the 11th edition of the Award were 409 male & female athletes who have attained 300 sports achievements, 29 sports innovations, 26 scientific sports products and 54 sports projects, initiatives & programs.

The wide variety of the competitive & appreciative categories of the Award gives opportunities for each creative athlete in the different sports specializations to catch the chance to compete & win one of the various valuable prizes of this Award; the biggest & most precious in the sports sector. The Secretariat General of the Award communicates with various sports corporations in the UAE, the Arab world and the entire globe to invite them to submit nomination files and make them acquainted with the corporate competition’s theme and the ratified period for achievements qualifying to compete in the various categories of the award. Top on the list of entities which are invited to participate in each version are the international sports organizations, which include 204 National Olympic Committees / 178 Paralympic Committees / 33 International Sports Federations for Summer Olympic Sports / 7 International Sports Federations for Winter Olympic Sports / 69 Arab National Olympic Federations & Committees / 34 international federations recognized by the International Olympic Committee, which will be invited to compete to win the corporation category. Athletes, including players, coaches, administrators, referees, clubs and national teams from the UAE and the Arab world will compete to win individual and teams prizes.

The Board of Trustees confirmed that the award has maintained the value of the financial prizes which are rewarded in each version, as the value of the prizes is Dhs 7 .5 million, i.e. more than $ 2 million, aiming to support the athletes and continue to encourage and honor them with valuable prizes; considered as the biggest ever among the sports prizes in the world.

The categories of competition in the award and the special appreciative categories are also maintained, besides the continuation of honoring the juniors category as per the same applicable mechanism; i.e. giving public the right of voting for their favorite athletes, taking into account that  public votes will have 50% of the final result, and the referees’ decision will have 50% of the final result, provided that public’s voting period will be from 1st Nov. 2023 to Jan. 2024.

International Sports Personalities:

The Board of Trustees of the MBR Creative Sports Award comprises leading personalities of multi-nationalities who serve in various sports fields & assume prominent international sports designations; these are: Dr. Hassan Mustafa, the President of the International Handball Federation for more than 25 years and his chairmanship for this International Federation has been renewed for the 6th successive term. He is a member in the Board of Trustees of the MBR Creative Sports Award since its launch in 2008.

The Board of Trustees is composed of two new members; these are: Mustafa Parav, President of the Algerian National Olympic Committee & Member of the International Olympic Committee, who is also re-elected as President for the African Olympic Committees Union on 25th May 2021. He had previously assumed the Office of the Chairmanship of the Algerian Basketball Federation. The membership of the Board of Trustees of the Award is also joined by Ms. Aisha Grad Ali, the President of the National Olympic Committee in Djibouti, Member of the Executive Committee in the International Olympic Committee since 2012 and Member of the Olympic Education and Women Committees in Sports. She had previously assumed the Office of Vice President of the Djibouti Handball Federation.