
OCI clinches Overall Scale-Up business Award 2022 at the scale-up awards

OCI clinches Overall Scale-Up business Award 2022 at the scale-up awards

The scale-up awards, which have been called the Oscars of the business world, celebrate UK high-growth companies and their entrepreneurs

OCI fought off stiff competition to clinch the award.

OCI is a supply chain specialist which partners large corporations to help them better manage, fund and operate their supply chain.

OCI’s success is reflected in its extraordinary growth in turnover, from £5.6 million in 2016/17 to £508.6 million in 2021. The figures have not yet been released for 2022, but it’s projected that turnover may have increased by over 100 per cent over the 12 month period.

Supply chain bottlenecks and complexity pose the single biggest threat to the global economy – a cost of living crisis and a potential human disaster in the making for the world’s poorest peoples later in the year.

OCI specialises in alleviating supply chain bottlenecks and complexity.

OCI CEO Oliver Chapman said: “We are delighted to win ‘Overall Scale-Up business Award 2022,’ especially in view of the outstanding competition for the award.

“Thanks to OCI’s expertise, we are working with companies to alleviate the supply chain crisis – that is our raison d’être: our vision is to change supply chains globally forever.” We pioneered commercial process outsourcing – CPO, a way for companies to massively improve the efficiency and resilience of their supply chain.

“Now central banks have reacted to the surge in inflation partially caused by supply chain bottlenecks and tension, by increasing interest rates. Recession is likely to follow.

“But we believe economic recovery will be supported by adjustments in the supply chain. We can work with large corporations to facilitate supply chain transformation, helping to support economic recovery too.

“We are so proud to have won the Overall Scale-Up business Award 2022.”