
The art of wellness showcased through the Resonant Shell, an immersive installation by artist Natalie Harb in the lush Oasis of AlUla

The art of wellness showcased through the Resonant Shell, an immersive installation by artist Natalie Harb in the lush Oasis of AlUla

Photo: The Resonant Shell; an immersive experience by contemporary artist Natalie Harb. Conceived as both sculpture and immersive architecture, the Resonant Shell responds to the extraordinary landscapes of AlUla with its abstract morphology of deserts and stone massifs, by offering contemplative haptic, tactile and sonic experiences to its visitors.

Location: AlUla Oasis, near to Oasis Square in AlJadidah near Circolo Restaurant. Directions from here.

Opening hours: Open daily with free admission 29 September – October 16, 2022, from 18:00 – 23:00.

Photo: The Resonant Shell photo was captured before the sunset, where the artwork appears as a protective shell wrapped in a double layer of textiles and clay. The translucent outer skin gives a hint of the hidden spiral staircase behind, which elevates visitors into an upper level with a sublime perspective onto the oasis, the surrounding landscape and the open sky. Conversely, the core of mudbrick creates an inward-looking atmosphere of soothing silence where hidden speakers diffuse the soft acoustics of the desert underground.

Location: AlUla Oasis, near to Oasis Square in AlJadidah near Circolo Restaurant. Directions from here.

Opening hours: Open daily with free admission 29 September – October 16, 2022, from 18:00 – 23:00.

Photo: The Resonant Shell photo captured from inside. The Shell resonates with the sounds interpreted by musician Youmna Saba, recorded in the oasis, following water paths and the nearby ancient Nabataean site of Hegra, where more than 2000-year-old tombs carved into the stone carry the stories of an enigmatic civilisation.

Location: AlUla Oasis, near to Oasis Square in AlJadidah near Circolo Restaurant. Directions from here.

Opening hours: Open daily with free admission 29 September – October 16, 2022, from 18:00 – 23:00.