
Ariston Group meets stakeholders at Expo 2020 Dubai during the week dedicated to Marche region

Ariston Group meets stakeholders at Expo 2020 Dubai during the week dedicated to Marche region

Ariston Group, a global player in sustainable comfort solutions for hot water and space heating, is thrilled to announce that through its Middle East branch, it organised a convention in the futuristic venue of Expo 2020 – Dubai Exhibition Centre. The event was dedicated to the excellence of the Marche Region – the region in the center of Italy where the company was born. The week dedicated to the Marche region is being celebrated in the Italian Pavilion from the 20th to the 26th of February 2022.

Thanks to the support of the Marche Region, Marche Week at Expo 2020 was an international stage to highlight the excellence, creativity and sustainability characterizing both scientific and business communities in the Marche region, of which Ariston Group is a proud representative across the world.

The two-days Ariston Group’s event was organised in an agile format to smartly fit to our guests’ interests:

  1. On February the 23rd: over a seminar addressed to institutional stakeholders, Ariston Group’s representatives presented the latest “Made in Italy” cutting-edge solutions aimed at reducing energy consumption and environmental impact, while outlining the milestones that have characterized the success of the Group born over 90 years ago in Fabriano, Marche.
  2. On February the 24th: the event will focus on showcasing the latest Ariston high-quality products – including electric storage water heaters and renewable solutions – to a group of commercial stakeholders who will then have the opportunity to discuss the features of the products with some representatives of the Group.

We would like to thank the Marche Region and the Chamber of Commerce of Marche Region for supporting us in being present in such an iconic moment, allowing us to show our contribution to spread the Italian excellence all over the world, while highlighting our mission, which is sustainable comfort for everyone”, states Emanuele Stano, Executive Vice President Middle East, Africa and Russia.

The event was the occasion to have a closer look at the over 90-year history of innovation and decade-long profitable growth that Ariston Group has built on its distinctive traits: strong corporate governance practices, integrity, customer orientation and sustainability, as well as an unwavering spirit of entrepreneurship. Staying true to these pillars, the Group has over time invested extensively in R&D, supply chain effectiveness and manufacturing footprint, gaining a global leading position in providing sustainable solutions for thermal comfort.

Ariston has been holding a leading position in the water heating market in the Middle East for over 40 years. It was introduced in the Arabian Gulf in the early 80s, even before it began to evolve into a global brand with the launch in China and Russia in the 1990s.

We are extremely glad to share this moment with our main stakeholders from the Middle East in this emblematic place where people of all nationalities meet and discuss important challenges such as sustainable development. Creating value in a responsible way is our core mission when doing business because in Ariston’s DNA there is the ability to combine comfort for people with sustainable use of resources for the planet”, says Alberto Torner Martin, Head of Middle East, Turkey and Caucasus. “Sustainable technology, entrepreneurship since our origins back in 1930 and being Italian: these are the elements that distinguish us, not only in our approach to business, but above all in the projects and products that represent concrete opportunities for the Middle East“.