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Koenigsegg takes its expansion to the next level

Koenigsegg takes its expansion to the next level

Today, megacar manufacturer and purveyor of cutting-edge mobility technology, Koenigsegg, unveiled its expansion plans which include an all-new state-of-the-art Gemera factory containing a high-tech production and assembly line, customer lounge, offices, event, showroom and retail spaces. Koenigsegg’s development will also entail additional warehousing and pre-production spaces, the opening of a one-of-a-kind experience center, and a potential all-new on-site track. In total, the expansion results in an on-site building footprint of over 30,000 square meters. Together with Koenigsegg’s 11,000 square-meter second facility in Ängelholm established last year, this means that Koenigsegg has enough room to grow its operations over the coming years.

The new Gemera factory will be connected to Koenigsegg’s existing office building, and its four former air-force hangars turned high-tech production and assembly spaces. It is specifically located on the grounds of Valhall park, on the former outdoor flight lines where fighter jets used to park. That is why future Koenigsegg cars produced at this new extension will continue to showcase the reputable Ghost badge that carries on the legacy of the legendary F10 Air Force Ghost Squadron that used to call this place home.

The exterior design of the new Gemera factory is inspired by the accordion-like layout of old Swedish factories where space and daylight are maximized. Inside, is an open but expandable space geared for growth which will accommodate the Gemera program.

With Koenigsegg poised for growth, this factory will also accommodate the company’s megacar engineering and technology development initiatives over time. Additionally, the new Gemera factory will welcome customers in its ultra-modern customer lounge with its real-time life-size specification process. Future unveilings and announcements can also be made live on location at its cinematic event space.

Just outside the Gemera factory and the main office building, Koenigsegg has plans to add an on-site track with technical corners to accommodate on-location pre-delivery testing and prototyping trials. The proximity of all of Koenigsegg’s facilities represents the company’s synergized and in-house approach to design, engineering, sourcing, production, assembly, prototyping, and research and development. To further Koenigsegg’s focus on employee wellbeing and productivity, manicured and interactive green space featuring outdoor gyms, alfresco decking for staff dining, and tree pods for outdoor meetings in the warmer months will be added around the Koenigsegg facilities at Valhall park. To top things off as part of Koenigsegg’s aim to become CO2-neutral the company will install solar panels to the maximum extent allowed to further utilize the many flat roof areas of its unique facilities.

Chairman of Ängelholm’s municipal board Robin Holmberg (M) comments on Koenigsegg’s growth, “Koenigsegg’s continued development in Ängelholm is important and shows that the municipal is an attractive place for innovative companies. For us Ängelholmers, it is exciting to be a part of their journey and expansion. This means more jobs, the addition of new Ängelholmers from all over the world and the pull of more innovative companies to our region in the long run.”

The company is also excited to announce the building of its very own experience center where curious visitors and longtime fans can visit Valhall park – the home of Koenigsegg. This 800 square meter center will feature cars past and present on rotation in a gallery space alongside unique ways of experiencing the incredible Koenigsegg story.

Naturally, the expansion of Koenigsegg’s on-site facilities necessitates heightened recruitment initiatives. Koenigsegg is now on a path to hire another 100 engineers and 150 production staff by the end of 2023, totaling a headcount close to 800 employees then.

CEO and Founder Christian von Koenigsegg expresses his aspiration for the future of the company, “looking back at where we started 27 years ago, it’s incredible to think of the journey we have been on. Our expansion is a mark of our past and future relevance where we are geared towards delivering bleeding-edge mobility tech and our handcrafted ultimate performance vehicles.”