
The Three Biggest Mobile Headaches and What to Do About Them

The Three Biggest Mobile Headaches and What to Do About Them

The mobile device is the epicenter of the digital lifestyle, but while advanced features offer new experiences the same old headaches constantly impact enjoyment. Things like battery life, storage and user interface are all contributing to a smart phone’s usability. Desiring all three should not be a stretch of the imagination but a reality. Luckily, Global technology brand, HONOR, has the tips and solutions to help alleviate common mobile issues.


Long Battery Life

Let’s face it, we’ve all been there when our phone has lost power at the most inconvenient of circumstances. Perhaps you were capturing a photo or using an app for directions only to have it shut down and make an evening a little less enjoyable. While steps like lower brightness and battery saving modes can help have a long battery life, finding a device with a powerful charge can absolve the issue. Powered by a massive 5000mAh battery, the new HONOR 10XLite delivers remarkable long battery life. This combined with the Magic UI system-level optimization will give you more usage out from a single charge and therefore you will worry less about charging. Packed with a 22.5W SuperCharge, the HONOR 10X Lite enables users to fully charge their devices in just 95 minutes. The 2.5W OTG Reverse Charging function even allows you to charge other devices, perfect for topping up your friends’ phones in case their battery is dangerously low.


Storage Solutions

There’s nothing more frustrating than when you want to download content to your phone, and you receive a ‘storage full’ notification, delaying your enjoyment of an e-book or TV series. Investing in external memory can help as a temporary solution but investing in a phone with enhanced storage capabilities can mean better mobile experiences. With more memory on the go, the HONOR 10XLite includes 128GB of storage right out of the box, with support for up to 512 GB of MicroSD expandable storage. This allows users to store up to 10,000 10MB of photos, 300 episodes of your favorite TV series, 100 lightweight games, and 12,000 e-Books.


User Interface

As mobiles phones become smarter, users are engaged in more features and apps than ever before, which can make switching screens a frustrating inconvenience. With the newly launched Multi-Window Mode, HONOR 10X Lite users can reply to messages while playing games without switching to another window, allowing a smoother multi-tasking experience. Users can even drag and drop images, text or even files across multiple windows, providing a more convenient and smarter life.