
Coventry University expert available to speak on new E10 eco-friendly petrol

Coventry University expert available to speak on new E10 eco-friendly petrol

The government intends to introduce the eco-friendly E10 as the new standard petrol grade. It contains less carbon than other motor fuels and more ethanol. But according to the RAC, 24% of motorists are unaware of it, while 27% do not know if their car is compatible.

Dr Mansour Qubeissi, Associate Professor at Coventry University’s School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Automotive Engineering, is available to share key insights on the new fuel. His main relevant research experience includes the development of mathematical models for processes preceding/exceeding the onset of combustion (atomisation, heating, evaporation and ignition of multi-component and blended fuels) and other broad range of engineering applications, such as IC engines, PV/T systems, Battery thermal management, Thermal fatigue, and Gas-turbine engines.

He is available on Friday 3 September and on Wednesday 8 September 2021, from 11am– 12pm to shed light on issues related to the questions below:

  • Why do we need to make higher fuel blends?
  • What’s the impact of fuel blends on fuel composition and features?
  • Why ethanol, and what impacts does ethanol have on the combustion characteristics in general?
  • What if we use 100% fossil fuel, or 100% biofuel (e.g., ethanol)?