
Moorfields Eye hospital highlights the role of Visual Electrophysiology

Moorfields Eye hospital highlights the role of Visual Electrophysiology

Proper eye care awareness and education has been a continuous priority for Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai. In line with offering the latest diagnostic techniques and technology, the Hospital has added visual electrophysiology to its growing line of services.

When we look at something, a picture of the object is projected onto the retina at the back of our eye. The retina changes this optical picture into little electrical signs, which pass along the optic nerve to the brain, where the sense of ‘seeing’ happens. Visual electrophysiology measures these small signs created by the eye and the brain.

According to experts at Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai, visual electrophysiology assesses how the visual system is processing visual information and supports in the diagnosis of the visual problem. They also helpmonitor the progression of a visual disorder or the effects of any treatment.

The tests are conducted by small electrical signals from the eye being recorded in response to a flashing light or a pattern on a computer screen. These signals are recorded by small contacts that are placed on the surface of the head and near the eye. The tests are noninvasive, but require small contacts to be placed around or in the eyes as well as around the head.

Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai offers various electrophysiology services such as:

  • Visual evoked potential (VEP) or recording of the activity of the brain. Patient is asked to look at a moving black and white pattern on a TV screen and a light which will flash twice a second. Another service is Electroretinogram (ERG), the recording of the activity of the retina and involves looking at a light that flashes at different speeds and brightness levels.
  • Pattern electroretinogram (PERG) which records the activity of the central macula where patient is asked to look at a moving black and white pattern on a screen.
  • Multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) examines specific areas or focal points within the retina and patient is asked to look at a moving hexagonal pattern on a screen.
  • Electro-oculogram (EOG) which specifically measures the function of the retinal pigment epithelium layer (RPE), a very important layer that nourishes and supports the normal functioning of the retina. The test is performed in the dark as well as a in the light and dilating eye drops may be used.

Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai continues to add new state of the art diagnostic systems to provide patients with the highest standards of eye care services.