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Ford Fund Rebrands as Ford Philanthropy

Ford Fund Rebrands as Ford Philanthropy

Ford Motor Company Fund (Ford Fund), the philanthropic arm of Ford Motor Company, announced today it is renaming itself to ‘Ford Philanthropy. ‘This evolution reflects Ford’s 75-year legacy of driving impact in Ford communities around the world. With $2.3 billion in philanthropic contributions since 1949, together with Ford Motor Company, Ford Philanthropy remains unwavering in its commitment to invest in solutions that address unique community needs.

The strategic rebranding not only reflects a fresh and modern outlook but also underscores Ford’s enduring mission to make the world a better place. While its identity is changing, Ford Philanthropy’s community partners, funding model, network of community centers and focus priorities – applying Ford’s mobility expertise to expand access to essential services, education for the future of work and entrepreneurship – remain the same.

“Giving back has been an integral part of Ford’s history and values since the very beginning,” said Mary Culler, president, Ford Philanthropy. “Our brand refresh honors our rich history and better reflects our core mission of partnering with communities to help move people forward and upward. Whether we’re connecting families with fresh food, helping neighborhoods rebuild after a disaster, or expanding access to careers in mobility, at Ford Philanthropy, we are passionate about working with our local partners and employee volunteers to help build equity and drive progress in Ford communities around the world.”

Ford Philanthropy’s brand refresh includes the launch of a new website, logo and organizational video. These initiatives are designed to enhance brand awareness and foster collaboration in the communities where Ford has roots.

In addition to rebranding efforts, Ford Philanthropy also released its 2023 Impact Report, highlights include:

  • $73.7 million in philanthropic contributions by Ford Motor Company and Ford Philanthropy
  • Directly supported 3.5 million people through partnerships and programs
  • Partnered with 470 nonprofits and community organizations
  • 55,000 Ford employee volunteer hours contributed in 31 countries

Since 2015, Ford Philanthropy (formerly known as the Ford Fund) has provided nearly $1.4 million in grants across the Middle East, providing relief during disasters and the coronavirus pandemic while also supporting initiatives such as Driving Skills For Life and Henry Ford Entrepreneurship Academy.