
NAGA Unfolds a Journey of Thrill, Adventure, and Suspense on Netflix this December!

NAGA Unfolds a Journey of Thrill, Adventure, and Suspense on Netflix this December!

In a captivating tale of adventure and resilience comes NAGA, a suspense thriller feature film that showcases a fusion of tradition, bravery, and vulnerability. Produced by the renowned production companies, Telfaz11 Studios, Movitaz Entertainment, and Monasb Studios, NAGA is set for release this December following its successful debut at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF).

Directed and written by upcoming Saudi filmmaker, Meshal Aljaser, NAGA presents the unique journey of Sara who is portrayed by the upcoming Saudi talent, Adwa Bader, as she becomes the center of a suspenseful narrative when she discreetly sneaks out of her parent’s home for a date with Saad (Yazeed Almajyul) that takes an unexpected turn. Along the way, Sara faces multiple obstacles, including an encounter with a vindictive camel, as she strives to escape its vengeance.

Launching on Netflix on December 7.